Learn with Mrs. Blacksheep to customize your wardrobe creating amazing embroideries that reflect your personality and make it shine.
At Mrs. Blacksheep we PERSEVERE.We set great challenges and we go after them without hesitation.
We do everything with PASSION. We love what we do and are lucky to do it everyday.
We are a brand who DARES. We break paradigms and stereotypes and charge ahead without bias or fear.
We are AUTHENTIC. We show up as our true selves and create art that reveals our spirit, upholding transparency.
Blog posts

Designing an Embroidery

Discovering Goldwork
Goldwork has typically been used by many cultures and faiths on ecclesiastical, military, and royal attire to denote status and power. Today this technique is much more accessible than it was in the past, when hand embroidery with metallic threads was reserved only for the wealthy due to the high cost of materials.